012 – The Retreat Radio Show – Living With Challenges

Episode Overview

Challenges are a part of living.  But, we don’t have to handle them alone.  In this episode, we discuss strategies for living with and living through the inevitable challenges of life. Continue reading “012 – The Retreat Radio Show – Living With Challenges”

008 – Retreat Radio – Life’s Purpose

There is one thing that has been found to sustain people through the direst and most difficult conditions and darkest of times in one’s life. That one thing is PURPOSE. In this episode, Jay and Mike continue their discussion about purpose.  In this episode, they dive deeper as they discuss and share their thoughts and takeaways from the best-selling book by Rick Warren called The Purpose Driven Life — a book that both of them say should be one everyone’s “must-read” list. Why are we here? What is our purpose? How do we live out that purpose? Join us in the episode as we explore this and many other questions.

Continue reading “008 – Retreat Radio – Life’s Purpose”