016 – The Retreat Radio Show – Power Up

Episode Overview

Struggling with an addiction, a specific behavior or sin, or another challenge in your life that you just can’t seem to shake – no matter how hard you try?  The problem may be that you are trying to change that behavior on your own – without tapping into the ultimate Power of the universe.  In this episode, we share how we’ve surrendered our trials to God – what it was like, what happened, and what it was like after we turned things over. 

Pod Club Discussion Questions

Download Discussion Guide

Suggested Opening Song:  Rescue is Coming

Artist:  The David Crowder Band

  1. What is one habit or self-defeating behavior you will begin to surrender to God?  
  2. When you think of surrendering this issue to God, what goes through your mind?
  3. What, if anything, have you surrendered to God in the past?  What happened?
  4. What are some ways that your pod club or small group could help you make the changes you want to make in your life?

 Call to Action:

  1. Start or join a faith-sharing group, or pod club. These groups are an awesome way to build a faith-based support group.  You will get a lot more than an improved knowledge of your faith.
  2. >Utilize some of your prayer time to ask God for his help.

Show Notes

On this episode of Retreat Radio Mike and Jay talked about the power of God. We discussed how it requires us to surrender to God in order to for him to work through us. Mike shared Psalms 17:7, 18:2, and 49:15. They all point to God’s power to help us, to keep us safe from our enemies (sins). We are powerless without God. For it is God who provides us the power to overcome anything we face.

Mike shared the miraculous story his daughter fought through. It was only when she surrendered to God that she was able to change her life. Make sure you listen to today’s episode to hear more details Mike openly shared with our faith community. What an amazing story of how God listens, cares, and provides when we are open to receive him.

We all face times in our lives where we feel down, drained, and lost. It is these times where we need to stop relying on ourselves, but to let go and rely on God. Mike’s saying: Let go and let God.

We all need to be recharged! We need to tap into the everlasting power of God!