015 – The Retreat Radio Show – Waiting

Episode Overview

Scriptures tell us that all things happen in God’s time — according to his plan.  And, they tell us that waiting builds character.  But, that doesn’t always sit too well with us impatient human beings.  In this episode, we discuss our thoughts about waiting and some specific things we do to help us grow more patient.

Pod Club Discussion Questions

Download Discussion Guide

Suggested Opening Song:  Wait Upon the Lord

Artist:  Leeland

  1. Think back to a time when you had to wait for something.  From a spiritual perspective, how did you handle the waiting?  What lesson did you learn?. 
  2. When did you rush into something and didn’t wait?  What was the outcome? What did you learn?

 Call to Action:

  1. Take advantage of our stay-at-home orders and pick up the bible and do some reading. We suggest Psalms, Proverbs, and Numbers are all great chapters of the bible.
  2. Start or join a faith-sharing group, or pod club. These groups are a great way to build a network of support people who care about you and your health.

Show Notes

Waiting…How appropriate given the situation! Here we are in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic and dealing with the stay-at-home orders. Mike and Jay had to become creative to continue the Retreat Radio show with these orders. With the use of technology, Mike and Jay recorded this episode from their homes with help from Zoom and God. 

Mike and Jay talked about how difficult it is to wait. Mike shared his desire to purchase a camping trailer, but he is waiting until he saves up enough to buy it, knowing that the reward will be worth the wait. God feels the same way about us! He patiently waits for us with his unconditional love. It is this love from God that provides us hope. Could this pandemic be a sign from God to have us all take a pause? We live in an extremely fast-paced world that has suddenly come to a screeching halt. God has provided us an opportunity to refocus and utilize our newly found free time and savor it to spend more time with him in prayer. 

Mike referred back to his camper. There are things you want, but your focus should be on what you need. God is always there for us taking care of our needs. They may not happen right away, but God’s timing is perfect. We must wait and know that God’s got this! There are benefits from waiting it can bring joy and happiness. Waiting also requires us to have trust in God and remain disciplined.