Retreat Radio

013 – The Retreat Radio Show – Grace

Episode Overview

Whether you accept it or not, you have been the recipient of God’s grace.  Grace is the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.  Free — meaning we did not have to do anything to receive it.  Unmerited — meaning we did nothing to merit or deserve it.  In this episode, we discuss our own experiences and thoughts about grace.  

Pod Club Discussion Questions

Download Episode 13 – Pod Club Resource Guide

Bible Verse:  Romans 3:23-25

Song:  “Your Grace is Enough” – Matt Maher

    1. How do you feel when you think about the fact that God has and will forgive you — and continues to welcome you back to him — no matter what sins you have ever committed — or will ever commit?
    2. Share a time in your life where God’s grace helped you through a situation. Maybe at the time you didn’t recognize or detect God’s grace, but in hindsight, you now can clearly see that it was only by the grace of God that you were able to successfully navigate through the problem.

Show Notes

A great discussion was held today on the topic of grace between Mike and Jay. The show started off with the definition of grace: “The undeserved divine favor of God.” Mike also added to the definition that it is a gift freely given to us by God with no strings attached.

Mike also shared a very fitting reading from the Bible: Romans 3: 23-25. The reading clearly lets us know that the grace of God was only obtained by Jesus sacrificing his life for our salvation. We talked about how original sin was the root of God’s need to create grace. It was through redemption that we are saved, but we must repent to truly obtain this redemption from God. We as Christians should be in a consent state of repentance. 

Grace is something that we can obtain from God as part of our repentance for sins we have committed. Grace can also be achieved through divine intervention from God. His grace can enable us to make the right choice and avoid sin.   

Although we both don’t fully understand the principles behind grace, since neither of us are theologians, we do truly accept and appreciate God’s love for us through the grace he provides. 

A couple of songs came up in today’s episode on grace, the first was Matt Mahr’s song “Your grace is enough”, and our closing prayer, “Amazing Grace”.

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