012 – The Retreat Radio Show – Living With Challenges

Episode Overview

Challenges are a part of living.  But, we don’t have to handle them alone.  In this episode, we discuss strategies for living with and living through the inevitable challenges of life.

Pod Club Discussion Questions

Download Episode 12 – Pod Club Resource Guide

    1. What is a challenge that you are currently living with or living through?  How are you getting through it?
    2. What are your favorite scripture passages when dealing with life’s challenges?
    3. Thinking about a challenge you went through in the past:
      1. What was something you learned about yourself or about others?
      2. How was God present during that time?
      3. What were the blessings of that challenge?

Show Notes

On today’s episode, we talked about dealing with challenges in our lives. Mike said sometimes you just feel bad, aggravated, and just don’t want to deal with it. Do we have a preconceived notion that life should be easier than it is? It is easy to get trapped by that thought!

It is amazing how an episode theme really aligns with what we have going on in our own lives. Today’s show is a great example of that. Mike shared with the community that this week he is being faced with two big challenges. His job was eliminated, and his father-in-law passed away. So, he was trying to deal with both, be there for his wife and family, but at the same time, he felt torn in that he needed to focus on gainful employment. Things happen for a reason. We don’t always understand the purpose right away, but with time the vision becomes very clear. Mike shared a short passage from Romans 8:28.

When we are dealing with challenges it is helpful to lean on a friend, family, or your faith community. Mike referenced one of his favorite lines “God’s got this!”. Jay also shared the challenges he faced this week. His son shared that he was leaving his wife of two years. Jay also talked about his reoccurring health issues. Jay told the Retreat Radio community that each day is a test from God. These challenges make us stronger; they provide an opportunity to become a better person. 

We requested the community to say a prayer for Jay and Mike to help them with the challenges they are currently facing. We also spoke more about the Pod Club and how today’s topic would be a good catalyst for them to reach out to their close friends to start up their own Pod Club.