010 – The Retreat Radio Show – Service

Episode Overview

We took the Retreat Radio Show on the road for this episode. We recorded this episode remotely at the retreat center where we were part of a retreat staff for a local parishes men’s retreat. So how fitting to record a show on service while providing service!  In this episode, we were honored to have our 1st Retreat Radio Show guest — Bob Radley. Join us as the 3 of us discuss our thoughts and feelings on what it means to serve others and the lessons we learned from our various service experiences over the years.

Discussion Questions

Download Episode 10 – Pod Club Resource Guide

The questions below are based on the Show Notes below.

  1. When you think about the word service, what comes to mind?  Where do you think that came from?
  2. When you think about being called to serve in some capacity, how do you feel about that?
  3. What type of service do you enjoy the most?  What are you the most fulfilled doing? What is it about this type of service that makes it enjoyable and/or fulfilling?
  4. Where do you think God is calling (nudging) you to serve right now?  What is keeping you from taking action?

Show Notes

We took the Retreat Radio Show on the road for this episode. We recorded this episode remotely at the retreat center where we were part of a retreat staff for a local parishes men’s retreat. So how fitting to record a show on service while providing service!

This episode was also the first time Jay and Mike had a guest join them on the program. Bob was the spiritual companion for this men’s retreat and he was interested in our show and the hidden recording location that we found at the retreat center. Jay found a small room in the basement where only staff members had access to. It was a very cool space to record and the sound was good as well. Too bad we didn’t have more free time to record another episode!

Bob started off our show on service about how he had a faith reversion that sparked his desire to provide service to others. Bob said that he threw himself right into service and said yes to just about anything anyone asked him to do. He finally realized that he had to allow time for his family and took his level of service down a couple of notches.

All three of us discussed the joy we receive from being part of a retreat team. We have each seen people who had some deep pain, addiction, or lost the Lord have a life-changing transformation right in front of our eyes. Bob associated it to like a good golf shot…it brings you back again. It truly is awesome to be involved in one of God’s miracles. Why wouldn’t someone want to be a part of that!

Getting involved either through a retreat or signing up to volunteer at your church provides not only service, but an opportunity to expand, or maybe start your small faith community.  Jay and Mike both barely knew anyone at our church prior to us going on retreat. In fact, that is exactly how we met each other.

A lot of businesses use service to gain a competitive advantage over their competition. We believe that service is a means to enhance your faith and provide joy to others, including God. Service can take us to that next level in our faith journey. Mike and Bob both said that their involvement with being on retreat staff got them to pick up their old instruments and found real pleasure out of not only sharing their talent but enjoying playing music again.

We also discussed how we even can provide service in the workplace towards other employees. Maybe our age has caused us to have a more mellow approach, but as Bob said, we don’t need the monuments anymore. We gain satisfaction out of seeing others that we have helped become prosperous.