008 – Retreat Radio – Life’s Purpose

There is one thing that has been found to sustain people through the direst and most difficult conditions and darkest of times in one’s life. That one thing is PURPOSE. In this episode, Jay and Mike continue their discussion about purpose.  In this episode, they dive deeper as they discuss and share their thoughts and takeaways from the best-selling book by Rick Warren called The Purpose Driven Life — a book that both of them say should be one everyone’s “must-read” list. Why are we here? What is our purpose? How do we live out that purpose? Join us in the episode as we explore this and many other questions.

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Download Episode 8 Pod Club Discussion guide

The questions below are based on the Show Recap note below.  Download or read those notes before discussing these questions in your Pod Club.

  1. What are the primary drivers or motivators in your life?
  2. What types of things do you do that you think gives pleasure to God?
  3. What does it mean to be part of a spiritual family?  How can you be a more involved member of that family?
  4. What does being more Christ-like mean to you?  What are some ways in which you could be more Christ-like?
  5. What are some of the things that define your SHAPE?  How well are you living within your SHAPE?  What could you do differently or better?
  6. How do you feel when you think about being called and commanded to go forth and make disciples of all nations?  If you are not currently doing that, what is keeping you from doing it?

Show Recap

Our Show Recap this week is a high-level outline of Rick Warren’s best-selling book, The Purpose Driven Life.

High-Level Outline of Rick Warren’s best-selling book, The Purpose Driven Life

The first section of the Purpose Driven Life book asks the question: What on Earth am I here for?

5 Life Drivers:

  1. Guilt – You let the past control your future
  2. Anger – Can’t get past the hurt and resentment is their driver
  3. Fear – Worried they won’t meet expectations. Uncomfortable to take a risk.
  4. Materialism – Acquiring objects is their focus. Having more will make you happy.
  5. Approval – Try to earn others’ approval. The need to fit in and be accepted. Peer pressure

The five benefits of living a purpose-driven life:

  1. Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life.
  2. Knowing your purpose simplifies your life.
  3. Knowing your purpose focuses your life.
  4. Knowing your purpose motivates your life.
  5. Knowing your purpose prepares you for eternity.

Our goal is to spend eternity with Jesus. Our life on earth is the final exam.

The First purpose of a Purpose Driven Life:  We were planned for God’s pleasure

  1. Anything you do that brings pleasure to God is an act of worship.
  2. God enjoys watching us mature, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
  3. Surrender to God – Your will be done.
  4. Become best friends with God. He wants, and you need that deep relationship.

The Second purpose of a Purpose Driven Life: You were formed for God’s family

  1. Through baptism, we were welcomed into God’s family
  2. The best use of your life is love.
  3. You are called to belong, not just believe.
  4. Life is meant to be shared – fellowship

The Third purpose of a Purpose Driven Life: You were created to become like Christ

  1. God’s goal for us on earth is not comfort, but rather character development.
  2. To become like Christ we need the power of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Transforming for truth, temptation, and defeating temptation.
  4. No shortcuts in growing our spiritual maturity.

The Fourth purpose of a Purpose Driven Life: You were shaped for serving God

  1. We all have a reason to be born into this world. We were created to serve God.
  2. We all have gifts that God gave us.
  3. Apply your abilities (natural talents)
  4. God deserves your best, and you should expect the best out of yourself.
  5. Your shape reveals your ministry, but your servant’s heart will reveal your maturity.
  6. Real servants don’t try to use God for their purposes. They let God use them for his purpose.

The Fifth purpose of a Purpose Driven Life: You were made for a mission

  1. Jesus calls us not only to come to him but to go for him.
  2. To fulfill your mission you must abandon your agenda and accept God’s.
  3. Give yourself a regular spiritual check-up.
  4. It’s all for God’s glory.

Most people struggle with three basic issues in life

  1. Identity – Who am I?
  2. Importance – Do I matter?
  3. Impact – What is my place in life?

There is a difference between accomplishments and purpose. Accomplishments are what God allowed you to perform. Purpose is why you formed in Christ.