006 – Retreat Radio – Joyful Living

Episode Overview

In this episode of Retreat Radio, we discuss the topic of joyful living. We believe God wants us to live joyfully. What is joy?  What is joyful living? How do you maintain a state of joy when you are experiencing loss, pain, frustration, financial setbacks, and other difficult life situations?  That’s what we discuss in this episode.

Pod Club/Retreat Radio Community Discussion Guide

Reading:  John 15:  1-7

Ponder and Share

  1. What do you think Jesus wants you to know about our Father’s nature?  What do you think he wants us to know about how to live life?
  2. When do you feel most joyful?  What are some things you can do to stay in a more joyful living state?
  3. When do you feel least joyful?  What are some things you can remember or do when you are not feeling joyful?

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Show Summary:  Joyful Living

Our reading for this episode is John 15: 1-7.  In this reading,  Jesus shared a parable about the man who had one hundred sheep but lost one. The man left the ninety-nine to go and search for the one that was lost. 

This reading really connected with Mike and brought back a fond memory of his younger years. He attended a “Search” retreat that was for high school and college students. He, like most people that age went reluctantly. The priest who facilitated the retreat shared this bible reading and told the retreatants that we are the lost sheep, and not to worry because Jesus will find you. It may take time, but God is never going to abandon you.

We also discussed that it is not always possible to be in a state of joyful living.  There is nothing wrong with that.  It happens to everyone.  It’s a part of life.  In fact, Jesus himself wasn’t always joyful. How could he when he knew he was going to be betrayed and die on the cross! Yet in the end, Jesus knew that his sacrifice was going to save mankind and fulfill his purpose. Can you image Jesus hanging on the cross and being joyful? What an amazing thought to help us when we are feeling depressed or sadden.

Mother Teresa herself wasn’t always joyful. She struggled over long periods of time where she didn’t feel the presence of God. However, she never lost hope!

Mike shared with the community a retreat he went on years ago where the priest talked about two states of the soul — one being consolation, the second being desolation.  When you are in a period of consolation you feel the presence of God and your soul is light and filled with joy.  When you are in a period of desolation,  on the other hand, you do not feel the presence of God.   Your soul is heavy and you feel little or no joy.  You’re in a state of “blah”.  Both states are necessary to fully appreciate the gift we have in being loved by our Father.  You have to experience desolation, the dark side to fully appreciate the joy obtained when you are close to God and feel his presence.  It’s important to remember this when you are in that period of desolation.  It will pass.  

Jay and Mike both shared that they experience joy when they are providing service to others.   Using your talent and sharing them with others not only provides them with joy, but it also provides it to yourself as well. We also talked about how easy it is to be joyful when you are with family and friends. The collective energy from the group tends to provide joy.