002 – Retreat Radio – Hope

Share Your Faith Journey With Us and the Community

Share a time in your life where God’s help provided awesome results. Also, tell us how God prepared you for something that followed.

Go to our comment section and share your story. We will share some of these stories on a future episode with our community.

The Community Needs Your Experience, Strenght, and Hope

We’re all on this journey back home to our Father.  And, all of us have experiences in life that can help others along that journey.  We believe that God set it up that way. So, please share with us and other members of our community, experiences from your journey. We would love to hear from you!

Scripture Reading

  • Romans 8:18-28
  • Romans 5:1-5


Lord, thank you for all the blessings you have provided in our lives. In times when we feel helpless, you are there to lift us up. When we are weak, you make us strong. Be patient with us while we are still learning. Provide me the strength of the Holy Spirit to seek out your hope and love, in your name, Amen.

Show Recap

In this episode of Retreat Radio, we began our show by welcoming our faith community. We look at the listeners of Retreat Radio as a community. We are all in this together, seeking and looking to strengthen our relationship with God. Mike shared how having hope requires patience. However, patience isn’t easy. We all are often impatience, not willing to wait regardless if it is with work, our relationship, or material things…

In the first reading that we shared (Romans 8) it states: Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

Often times we take what we already have for granted. Do you as part of your normal prayers thank God for what you already have? We tend to pray for what we don’t have, what we want, what our desires are, or the outcome we are seeking.

Mike talked about having the patience to wait. He said there is a real blessing in waiting. By waiting we allow God to prepare us for our challenges, the final outcome that we seek.

The second reading (Romans 5) we shared that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope. We all face different struggles in life, and by waiting, God prepares us, he builds our character so we have the perseverance to deal with our struggles. Only through God’s grace is our hope obtained.

Jay shared a story of the backpacking trip he went on with his two kids. Preparing, waiting, a bit of suffering and having the perseverance to climb the mountains. Looking back on his AT hike Jay said the challenges that the trail presented produced character, and the accomplishment provided a sense of pride. We can relate this story to our faith, and our hope in God.

Mike shared his story of the mile swim from Boy Scouts back when he was eleven years old. He shared that at the time was the most exhausting, challenging thing he had done in his life up until that time. The staff keeps encouraging him “you can do it”. God too is constantly pushing us. Telling us we can do it, we just need to believe! Let go, and let God!